Brescia: hidden jewel and proud UNESCO World Heritage Site

A city that encompasses centuries of history in every corner, Brescia is a magical city. This ancient Lombard city is a true hidden treasure, a stage where history has evolved uninterruptedly from prehistoric times to the present day.

Brescia, with its Roman ruins, medieval castles and elegant Renaissance squares, offers a journey back in time. Imagine walking through the Roman Forum, feeling the history of two thousand years beneath your feet, or admiring the majesty of the Brescia Castle, which dominates the city from above with a view that takes your breath away. Brescia’s Lombard archaeological sites are living pages of an open book of history, where you can almost hear the echoes of the footsteps of the warriors and kings who once trod these lands. But the beating heart of this heritage is undoubtedly the monastic complex of San Salvatore-Santa Giulia, a Unesco World Heritage Site, a place where art, history and spirituality come together in perfect harmony.

But Brescia is not just a bargain for history buffs. Its streets and squares are enlivened by cafés, craft shops and restaurants where you can enjoy the delicious local cuisine.

Coming to Brescia means discovering a city that has managed to keep its glorious past alive while offering modern and welcoming experiences. It is a destination that surprises with every visit, inviting travellers to return again and again to explore its countless treasures. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience Brescia, a jewel of Italy just waiting to be discovered.

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